#Bringbackourgirls – Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson,Usher,David Cameron,Bola Tinubu,Elderson Echejile

#Bringbackourgirls - Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson,Usher,David Cameron,Bola Tinubu,Elderson Echejile#Bringbackourgirls - Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson,Usher,David Cameron,Bola Tinubu,Elderson Echejile
We are most grateful to everyone (International/locals) for your support. Please bring back our girls,can’t imagine what they are going through right now…. See more photos after the cut…

#Bringbackourgirls - Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson,Usher,David Cameron,Bola Tinubu,Elderson Echejile

#Bringbackourgirls - Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson,Usher,David Cameron,Bola Tinubu,Elderson Echejile

#Bringbackourgirls - Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson,Usher,David Cameron,Bola Tinubu,Elderson Echejile


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