Rihanna Set To Buy A Football Club In The UK

Commentator: The star's football commentary during the World Cup gained her a number of headlinesPeck: Rihanna is kissed by Lukas Podolski (left) and Bastian Schweinsteiger (right) as she holds the World Cup
Hmmm,this is interesting. Y’all remember how Rihrih was having a great at the world cup in Brazil,taking selfies,tweeting,holding the cup(pretty cool) and getting kissed by players (Bastian & Lukas)? Well,it wasn’t all play for the bajan beauty.According to reports, the Diamonds singer has her eyes firmly fixed on buying a UK football club, after she’s set up a soccer academy in her native Barbados.
A source told Daily Star:

 ‘At first we thought Rihanna’s desire to be involved with soccer on a business level would soon blow over. We figured she was still on a high from the World Cup.‘But now it’s becoming clear she really is serious. She’s talking about setting up a football academy in her native Barbados. Then her big dream is to be involved with a UK club.’‘Britain is like a second home to her, although she’s also hinted she may do something with an LA team.’

That’s gonna be one hella investment Riri!Kudos

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