Introducing Tracy Daniel Diaries

Introducing Tracy Daniel Diaries

Who is Tracy Daniel?

Tracy Daniel is a fictional character or what people
might call your alter ego. She’s a girl, lady or woman; she’s that part of you
that you don’t want people to know. Everyone has a dark side they wish they
hadn’t or people knew. Tracy Daniel is not everything bad but she represents
that part everyone hides; she loves art, she appreciate beauty, she’s open
minded, opinionated, stubborn, ambitious, loving, reserved, witty, intelligent,
very influential, misunderstood, from an average family but people think
otherwise, very creative but misguided, very social but have few genuine

She’s not the lucky type, she works really hard for
what she wants, she’s considerate, impatient, loves honesty and distaste
dishonesty. She loves to see the good in people, in other words very trusting.
Life has not been fair to Tracy yet people expect more from her, she cares
about people and what they think of her. 
She has a dream to be a writer and photographer but find herself in a
country that hinders abilities; which brings doubts and fear.

You’ll get to know more of Tracy as the weeks go by
(weekly) and you can also share your TDD stories on this blog and I’d be glad
to post it. Therefore, instead of your name ,we;ll be using her name but your
story…It’s going to be fun right? See you in a week!

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