Eminem 17year old daughter Hailie Scott crowned homecoming queen at her Michigan High School.

Her time to shine! Eminem's daughter Hailie Scott got her own moment in the limelight on Friday as she was crowned homecoming queen at her high school in Michigan
I’m not really a fan of Eminem but i always admired the way he’s so protective of his daughter and how he loved her.She’s really pretty, ofcourse she’s homecoming queen,”she’s slimshaddy’s daughter”! He must be really proud.

And the teen expressed her delight via her private Twitter account, which one public user retweeted.
Hailie had written: ‘So happy and thankful to be Chippewa’s homecoming queen! It’s such an honor and blessing. #grateful’.

That explains why she bears her mother’s surname and not her dad’s, whose real name is Marshal Mathers. She is obviously not a fan of controversy.
His beloved: Rapper Eminem - pictured here in 2009 appearing on a British television series - had Hailie with his ex long term love Kim Scott

Back in the day: Eminem is pictured here with Kim Scott and their daughter Hailie in a home video the rapper released in his Mockingbird music video
Back in the day:the mockingbird video.

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