Chapter Thirty:The Fifth And The Last Child

By then
all her roommates were around so she had to talk to them about people always
lying in her bed

Nina: excuse me guys.
Kaycee: excuse me guys!
Nina: kaycee Im not kidding.
Kaycee: okay
Fat kc: Amanda. What is it?
Nina 🙁 saw phones on her
bed) this is what I
m talking about.
Ebere: what?
Nina: phones on my bed. I
t want phones on my bed and
why do people have to charge phones in my corner alone? The last time I checked
there are two sockets in this room.
Maureen: because our last
roommate didn
t complain.
Nina: well Im not your last roommate.
Fat kc: and most people
charge there.
Nina:  when Im sleeping I dont need phones to be charged here.
Maureen: whats that suppose to mean.
Nina: what if i turnover
and mistakenly touch the socket?
Fat kc: I think shes right, it’s dangerous.
Nina: and anyone that wants
to charge here should get a socket so I won
t have to see any phone on my bed.
Maureen: I dont agree.
Nina: like you agree to
anything. Except you want to switch bunks?
Maureen: no, I dont.
Nina: good, then its
settled and one more thing, I don
t want to see anyone on my bed. Whether your visitors or ourselves.
Except I invite you.
Kaycee: thats true, I dont want anyone on my bed,
Maureen especially you.
Ebere: kaycee, what if we
want to look outside the window.
Kaycee: it’s not my fault I
was given a space close to the window. Besides you can look outside without actually
sitting on my bed and we have a table and two chairs.
Nina: I wonder! Make use of
the chairs people, not my bed.
Maureen: I guess you are
through, so let
s move on. Besides I dont lie on your bed.
Nina: is that so? Who did I
see wearing nothing but g-strings on my bed last time?
Maureen: that was one time.
Nina: you just said youve never lain on my bed. Im dead serious; I dont need anyone on my bed.
Ebere: weve heard you.
forgot to warn her bunkmate about her panties she soaks and went straight to
s room. At that point her
bed was really important to her, meanwhile Chizoba has already started sleeping
Nina: shes sleeping already.
Chizoba 🙁 waking up since
she wasn
t deep asleep) what happened?
Nina: it’s my roommates.
Chizoba :(dizzy) what did
they do?
Nina: nothing, I just told
them about seeing strange people on my bed.
Chizoba: okay, lock the
door when you are through (and goes back to sleep).
Nina: sure.
Nina hardly sleep in a place for the first night, she decided to read .The next
morning she went to her room and saw Ebere lying on her bed..
Chapter Thirty:The Fifth And The Last Child
Nina: oh my God!
Ebere: hey, you are sorry,you know I and
Nneka are sharing the same bed so since you weren
t around I thought I could
keep your bed warm.
Nina: keep my bed warm?
s wrong with you guys?
Ebere: Im sorry it didnt come out right Im still feeling dizzy
though. Come on, aren’t we friends anymore?
Nina: Ebere, I meant what I
Ebere: okay it will never
happen again.
Nina: I dont even have time for this;
I have to prepare for school.
Nina went
to have her bathe, since she didn
t really sleep well she woke up late and had her bathe in the bathroom.
After dressing up, she went to see if Agnes was in her room but she and Adaobi
had already gone for lectures so she decided to go on her own.
their lectures, Martin announces their induction party date and where they will
be going for picnic
ZinoWhy were you late
Nina 🙁 waves Agnes) long
Onome: who are you waving?
Nina: Agnes.
Zino: oh youve finally found the Agnes?
Where is she?
Nina: She that average
height dark-skinned girl.
Zino: oh okay, shes always with that fair
Nina: yeah, thats Adaobi. Shes like her best friend.
Zino: did they know each
other before school?
Nina: ah, I dont know.Do they have to know
each other from somewhere before becoming friends? Maybe they do, either ways
s none of our business.
Zino: anyways, I heard some
people are paying for the form.
Nina: what form?
Zino: the Miss Microbiology
Nina:oh really? Good for
Martins: may I have your
attention please?
All: (still making noises)
Martins: I just want to
announce that the seminar will be this Thursday and the picnic will be on
Zino: are you going to go,Babi?
Nina: I dont know yet. You?
Zino: for what? You know I
t have time for these
Nina: okay.
Uju 🙁 looking for Zino)
hey martin
s babe move your ass from the way.
Zino: look at Uju, she’s
looking for me.over here!
Uju: imagine where you went
to sit Zino.
Zino: welcome madam.
Uju: how are you guys? This
Martins girlfriend should do something about that ass.
Nina :(laughing) you’ve
started again.
Uju: Im serious its just too big.
Nina: I heard shes a virgin.
Zino: what kind of virgin?
Amanda I don
t know where you get your own information.
Uju: dont mind her, how can she be
a virgin with all that hips and ass.
Nina: some people might
have that naturally.
Uju: I dont think this one is natural.
Zino: so you mean she and
Martins just play around when they see each other?
Nina: it’s possible.
Uju: indeed, please forget
Amanda. So how about my attendance?
Zino: no problem,
everything is done.
Uju: are you sure Zino?
Zino: yes, it’s handled.
Uju: okay thanks, just come
by the house later, I
ll settle you.
Zino: alright.
Nina: what are you guys
Zino: we are doing
Uju: yes oh, if not for
Zino I don
t know how Ill be managing school and travelling.
Nina: where do you always
travel to?
Uju: its my dad issues.
Nina: I hope hes okay though?
Uju: yeah hes fine.
Nina: okay.

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