Selena Gomez Sets Her Instagram account to private

Selena Gomez Sets Her Instagram account to private

Singer and actress ,Selena Gomez who recently received Billboard Woman of the year angrily set her Instagram to private because of a quote by Billboard magazine after they visited her home. In mag,they asked Selena about a stuffed big teddy bear that was sent to her home and she replied;  “At first I thought, This is so ridiculous, I can’t wait until I give it away to another person,”  Just after the quote, Billboard added, “But Gomez hasn’t let go of it—yet.”

The wolves star made this comment on instagram and set it to private afterwards; “Never will I let another human guess my words ever again. Or invite them into my home. That is so hurtful.” 
Her followers took notice aftet they received a message saying they’d have to request to follow her a second time.

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